Before'n'After #31 - Frederick Lüthcke 2013

Before'n'After #31 - Frederick Lüthcke 2013

+11.0kg lean mass in 7 weeks - Frederick Lüthcke, former U18 national rugby player, used the 7 weeks of vacation in Germany after his first semester in aerospace engineering in Daytona Beach, FL to get in top shape. With the goal of getting a place on the track and field team at his university.

Current status: pull-up, narrow, neutral, 105.1 kg kg plus 55 kg additional weight for one rep, front squat 180 kg for 1 rep, standing long jump 326 cm
At the upcoming BnA Bootcamp seminar, I will present and explain Frederick's training programs and supplement/nutrition plan in full and in detail. The date for the seminar will be published next week
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