
Der Säure-Basen-Haushalt – Was wirklich wichtig ist

The acid-base balance - what really matters

There is a lot to be found on the Internet about nutrition and its effect on the acid-base balance of our body. In Module 4 of the YPSI-Trainer A-License, I...

The acid-base balance - what really matters

There is a lot to be found on the Internet about nutrition and its effect on the acid-base balance of our body. In Module 4 of the YPSI-Trainer A-License, I...

Wie Du Deinen Hüftspeck los wirst…

How to get rid of your love handles...

Lifebelt or muffin top - love handles go by many names. Whatever you call it, everyone who has it wants to get rid of it. The good news: of the...

How to get rid of your love handles...

Lifebelt or muffin top - love handles go by many names. Whatever you call it, everyone who has it wants to get rid of it. The good news: of the...

Mehr Essen für mehr Muskelmasse

More food for more muscle mass

The goal of most people who exercise is not only to reduce body fat, but also to build muscle mass. Do you want to build muscle mass? The factor on...

More food for more muscle mass

The goal of most people who exercise is not only to reduce body fat, but also to build muscle mass. Do you want to build muscle mass? The factor on...

Frühstücks Cracker

Breakfast crackers

Guest post by Juliane Schleh Are you looking for an alternative for a high-protein, grain-free breakfast? Or just a healthy snack that fills you up and is quick? Then these...

Breakfast crackers

Guest post by Juliane Schleh Are you looking for an alternative for a high-protein, grain-free breakfast? Or just a healthy snack that fills you up and is quick? Then these...

Iss Tier zum Frühstück

Eat animal for breakfast

A good breakfast is the most important meal and the best way to start the day... Muesli is considered a classic, healthy variant, something from the bakery, on the other...

Eat animal for breakfast

A good breakfast is the most important meal and the best way to start the day... Muesli is considered a classic, healthy variant, something from the bakery, on the other...

Starte jeden Tag mit Himalayasalz und Limettensaft in Wasser

Start each day with Himalayan salt and lime jui...

The first tip I give to every YPSI client and athlete is: Start each day with 1/4 teaspoon salt and a squeeze of lime juice in a glass of water....

Start each day with Himalayan salt and lime jui...

The first tip I give to every YPSI client and athlete is: Start each day with 1/4 teaspoon salt and a squeeze of lime juice in a glass of water....