3 Dinge, die ich in der YPSI Mastermind Gruppe gelernt habe

3 things I learned in the YPSI mastermind group

Guest post by Philip Schmieder

This year the YPSI Mastermind Group met for the first time. The participants were experienced YPSI-A license coaches who exchanged their experiences and ideas and discussed strategies and projects for the future and trained together.

In the mastermind group, the challenges of the trainer's everyday life were discussed in order to develop new perspectives, approaches and solutions through the input of the other coaches. Behind this was the fundamental goal of the YPSI coaches to enable, improve and accelerate the success of our customers.

As every time I visit the YPSI, this time I was able to learn some interesting new things and supplement existing knowledge.

Here are three things I learned in the YPSI Mastermind Group:

1. Women in particular often come to us trainers with the desire to get slimmer legs . Many women have developed high leg creases from low protein consumption, high sugar consumption, use of the pill, and years of poor (and insufficient) sleep.

Basically, the leg folds are the skin folds that are slowest to respond to changes. You have to change a lot for a very long time if you have high leg creases and maintain the changes if you want your legs to get and stay slim.

Three things that cause leg creases to increase very quickly when measuring body fat and can make a negative difference from one measurement to the next are:

  1. – alcohol
  2. – sleep deficit
  3. - Travel

So going to a music festival abroad and drinking alcohol is one of the quickest ways to get bigger legs and squander your progress—even if you're a man.

2. Many women suffer from a drop in the feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin during their period. Nobody can use that. In order to buffer this drop, it is recommended for affected women to slightly increase their carbohydrate intake 14 days after the first bleeding. A piece of dark chocolate or a piece of fruit in the evening can help. You should then reduce the carbohydrates again, depending on your body fat percentage. You can find more on this topic and the corresponding low-carb recipes here.

This tip came from Swiss YPSI A-license trainer Nadja Reinmann, who is herself the co-author of two Paleo cookbooks, which you can get here .

3. The psychological component "how do I judge something" accounts for 90% of stress. This means that when you're stuck in traffic chewing on the steering wheel and your pulse is at 180 because you're not moving forward, or when you're stuck in traffic and using the time to concentrate on an interesting audio book or have a few thoughts, How to avoid traffic jams for you in the future - the stressor, namely traffic jams, is the same. Your reaction to it determines whether it is perceived as negative stress.

In principle, it is this concept that underlies the Growth Mindset and the Fixed Mindset of the psychology professor and author Carol Dweck. Someone with a Fixed Mindset gets upset about things they can't control (anymore), while someone with a Growth Mindset looks for solutions to not be exposed to this stressor or not feel it as such.

For my part, I was able to take away a lot more from the meeting of the mastermind group than these three tips and am already looking forward to the next meeting and further training with ambitious colleagues.

Image: The YPSI Mastermind Group having lunch at YPSI in December 2016.

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