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chlorine energy

chlorine energy

Regular price €36.90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €36.90 EUR
Unit price €615.00  per  kg
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Chlorenergy is the world's most scientifically studied chlorella algae. Since 1964, more than 500 studies have reported on the amazing effects of this type of chlorella.

Chlorenergy contains a particularly large amount of natural CVE (chlorella vulgaris extract).

Dietary supplement with vitamin B12, vitamin D, biotin and iron from chlorella (freshwater algae).

Recommended intake: Take 15 pellets (tablets) per day at once or divided into smaller amounts between meals with liquid.

Ingredients: per pellet - per serving (15 pellets) NRV%*
Chlorella vulgaris 200mg ** - 3000mg **
 contains vitamin B12 0.5 mcg (18.7%*) - 7 mcg (280%*)
 contains vitamin D 0.5 mcg (10%*) - 7.5 mcg (149%*)
 Contains biotin 1 mcg (2%*) - 16 mcg (32%*)
 contains iron 0.14 mg (1%*) - 2.1 mg (15%*)

* Percent of the nutrient reference values ​​according to VO (EU) 1169/2011
** a reference quantity has not been determined

Ingredients: Chlorella vulgaris. 

Content: 60g (300 pellets)

Prepared by:
Chlorella Industry Co.,Ltd
Tokyo, Minato-ku, Japan
Chlorenergy is a trademark of C'est Si Bon Co. in the USA

- Dietary supplements do not replace a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.
- Keep out of reach of small children.
- The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.
- Store in a cool, dark and dry place.

Best before: See package.

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Alle unsere Produkte werden in recycelbarem Braunglas oder einer recycelbaren Dose mit recycelbarem Etikett verpackt und mit nachhaltiger Versandverpackung sowie Klebeband aus 100% Papier und Naturkautschuk-Kleber klimaneutral durch DHL GoGreen versendet.


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