The YPSI Online Coaching Program – Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

The YPSI Online Coaching Program – Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

I am a vegetarian, can I still do the YPSI  Online Coaching Program?

Of course you can. To meet your protein requirements stick to fish, seafood, eggs, amino drinks and protein shakes.

I am a vegan, can I still do the YPSI Online Coaching Program?

Of course you can. To meet your protein requirements stick to amino drinks and vegan protein shakes. Add in other vegan protein sources that you digest well to optimize recovery.

As a female, can I still do the YPSI Online Coaching Program?

Yes, of course. The YPSI Online Coaching Program is designed to be done by females and males.  The main difference is the nutrition. Many nutrition recommendations are differentiated between male and female. Check each phase for the specific recommendations and the differences between male and female.

Can I do the Training Programs of the YPSI Online Coaching Program in my home gym?

Yes, depending on the equipment you have at home. What you need is:

  • Power Rack
  • Barbell and Plates
  • Dumbells
  • Adjustable Bench
  • Pulley
  • 45° Backextension

Can I do the Training Programs of the YPSI Online Coaching Program in a hotel gym?

Yes, depending on the equipment the hotel gym has. What you need is:

  • Power Rack
  • Barbell and Plates
  • Dumbells
  • Adjustable Bench
  • Pulley
  • 45° Backextension

The program on the Upper Body Training contains chinups and pullups. I can not do one repetition of each yet. Can I still do  the Training Program?

Yes, you can. Just substitute the chinups or pullups with a lat pulldown with the same grip. Do the same sets, tempo and rest. Just add 2 repetitions to the given repetition range. That means if the program says 2-4 repetitions for the chinups or pullups do 4-6 repetitions on the lat pulldown.

Some of the programs on the Lower Body Traning contain the 45° Backextension. I do not have a 45° Backextension in my gym. Are there any alternatives?

Yes, if you don’t have a 45° Backextension you can use a Horizontal Backextension with the exact same sets, reps, tempo and rest. If you don’t habe a Horizontal Backextension you can also use a flat bench that you set up in front of the rack. Set the barbell in the rack about 15cm higher than the flat bench.  Put plates on the bar. Then square the bench off horizontally to the barbell. The front of your thighs will cover the bench and you heels will be hooked under the barbell. This way you are set in the exact same position as a Horizontal Backextension. The range used will be limited in this setting which is barely an disadvantage though as the main focus in this program will be on the pause at the top.

Can I drink alcohol during the YPSI Online Coaching Program?

Simple question. Simple answer. No. Alcohol will impair training drive, sleep and recovery therefore I do recommend to avoid alcohol during the YPSI Online Coaching Program. If you still like to have some, there is an explanation in Phase 2 on how to fit such an exception in.

Can I use a booster that contains a stimulant like caffeine during the training?

Stimulants are not recommended. Stick to the supplements prescribed in each phase.

Are there more supplements beyond the basics to take during the YPSI Online Coaching Program?

Yes, of course, there are many more supplements to take. As „Basics first“ is one of the pillars of my supplement philosophy I recommended to get the basics as outlined in the Supplements Protocol of each phase. And then add more specific supplements, primarily based on the Skinfoldmeasurement. Which is optional as 90% plus of the results are based on getting the basics right.

I just purchased the YPSI Online Coaching Program and am very excited to start! I was wondering if there was any need to add in workouts from the „Improve your Arms“ program or „Improve your Squat„?

The YPSI Online Coaching Program features a complete program for both upper and lower body. Both „Improve your…“ Programs are standalone programs for the specific body part. I would recommend to first run through 12 weeks of the YPSI Online Coaching Program including the nutrition and supplementation changes and then continuing by picking a specific body part to work on like Arms or an exercise like the Squat.

I just finished the „Strength and Mass Holiday“ and loved the high volume but noticed that the phases of the YPSI Online Coaching Program are significantly less volume. Do you have any recommendations how to combine those two approaches? 

Yes, the 4 phases of the YPSI Online Coaching Program span 12 weeks when you train 4 times per week. A high volume approach like the Strength and Mass Holiday shoots for 10 workouts in 5 days followed by 3 to 5 days rest. That means the YPSI Online Coaching Program is more about continuous progression and includes next to a progressive approach on nutrition and supplementation further changes such as lifestyle hacks, stretching, neuro drill and more. Whereas the Strength and Mass Holiday allows great progress in a short amount of time, if you have off for a full week and like to integrate a shorter boost. You can combine both, run through the YPSI Online Coaching Program and then add the Strength and Mass Holiday for a week every 2 to 3 months deepening on your work or study schedule.

If you have any questions, that are not answer above, sent them to training(at) and we will answer them.

All the Best with the YPSI Online Coaching Program!

To book the YPSI Online Coaching Program click here

Picture: The Cover of the YPSI Online Coaching Program and a FAQ sign.

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