Online Coaching with Wolfgang

Online Coaching Wolfgang Unsöld

52 weeks               6990*

You want to work directly with Wolfgang?

Travelling once every 3 months as needed for the BNA Program to the YPSI in Stuttgart isn’t an option?

Then this is for you.


What does Online Coaching with Wolfgang include?

– Customized Training Program tailored to your Goals, Status and equipment available

– Feedback on Exercise Execution based on videos for each Training Program

– Advice on Nutrition and Supplementation

– Email support regarding the execution of the programs (allow up to 48 hours for a response on working days and up 7 working days for new programs)

– This service can be executed in English or/and German.


What does Wolfgang expect from our Online Clients?

– The most important point – Exercise Execution is crucial. Pay attention to detail. Detail matters. You will need to consistently sent in clips of performing the exercise via email and you will get feedback on how to perfect your technique

– You will train 3-8 times per week. 40 to 60min per workout. Usually 3 to 4 workouts per week will be strength training, sometimes that will go up 10 strength training sessions per week, depending on your schedule and goals, for maximal results. 1-2 workouts per week can be Sprints and/or Strongman Training. Depending on your Goals, status and available equipment/facility.

– Follow the Training, Nutrition and Supplement Program exactly as ist lined out. Everything is in there for a reasons. Do it. Programs only work if you follow them. And the Coaching works extremly well as the results of our YPSI Clients constantly prove.


Testimonials – What current YPSI Online Clients say

I’ve tried my share of online training programs in the past with quote „the best in the business“ but I always felt frustrated. It never felt personalised or dynamic. I felt I was paying a monthly fee for something that had already been given to many before me and wasn’t getting any continued support.

With Wolfgang I’ve finally found a program that matches my expectations. His no bullshit attitude, his to the point email responses and ever evolving programs and nutritional guidance make me feel like I’m constantly challenged and that the advice is specific to me.

If you need someone to hold your hand, to listen and sympathise with your problems, look elsewhere.

If you want results and no bullshit, Wolfgang is your man.

Dan Hunter – Owner of Dan Hunter Training, Brussels, Belgium


I have worked with Wolfgang since September 2012; under his guidance I have taken my training and nutrition to a level that would not be possible without his expertise.  Wolf’s unique training methodology has allowed me to see continuous progress in strength, increases in lean mass, decreases in body fat and an improved quality of life.

When I was looking for a coach to learn from I wanted someone who stood out from the crowd, was unique in their approach, and was on the forefront of result based personal training. I found all of these qualities and more with Wolfgang and our relationship has evolved to that of a mentorship. The amount of quality practical information given with each program is equivalent to the information I have received in a 3-day seminar. His dedication, extreme work ethic, and passion for producing results have been inspiring for me as a coach. So much so that I went to Germany to see first hand how he operates on a daily basis. His entire day is built around producing exceptional results with all of his athletes and clients, something that is rare to see nowadays, but what sets him apart.

If you are in the market for hiring a coach I highly recommend Wolfgang and his team at the YPSI. The gainz you will make will be unlike anything you have ever experienced and I promise it will be a huge success…. #gainz

Malcolm Gwilliam – Personal Trainer, Phoenix, Arizona


I have been working with Wolfgang for the last six months and the results have been amazing. His knowledge of training and diet coupled with experience is obvious in both his ability to advise and inform. Just look at all the results he has produced with people over the last years. He is a great resource and given me the tools to get leaner, stronger, and more confident. Wolfgang is approachable and always willing to answer questions while encouraging you to take responsibility for your training potential.  A huge thanks for your patience and all your help!“

Ulf Ekstam – Personal Trainer, Stockholm, Sweden


Jeder, der sein Wissen über Training/Ernährung neu überdenken will und sich körperlich auf ein neues Level bringen möchte, dem kann ich Wolfgang’s Online Coaching wärmstens empfehlen. Was ich während unseres Coachings mit Wolfgang besonderst geschätzt habe, ist seine Effizienz. Egal, ob es sich um eine offene Frage oder einen neuen Trainingsplan handelt, die Antworten kamen in Windeseile. Auf jede Frage findet Wolfgang die passende Antwort. Ich konnte mein Wissen über Training & Ernährung in den letzten 8 Monaten um ein Vielfaches ausbauen, was ich v.a. Wolfgang zu verdanken habe. Körperlich und kraftmässig bin ich besser dran als je zuvor in meinem Leben und das, obwohl ich seit mehr als 15 Jahren Krafttraining mache. Meine Kraft hat sich durch intelligentes Programm Design bei den Grundübungen um mind. 20% gesteigert, mein Körperfett ging von rund 17% auf nun 12% runter.(bei gleichem Körpergewicht.) Mein Körperprojekt ist noch nicht vollendet, aber mit all dem Wissen aus seinem Coaching plus den YPSI Seminaren werde ich den Rest auch noch schaffen. Vielen Dank für Alles Sensei W.

Michael Bachmann – Co-Founder FitLifestyle, Zürich, Switzerland


* price in euro incl. sales tax. There is no refunds or partial refunds of packages.