Before’n’After #107 Interview – Sven Knebel

Before'n'After #107 Interview – Sven Knebel

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your everyday life

I was born in 1981 and am an industrial clerk by profession. I work part-time as a trainer and am trying to expand this activity. I get up at 6 a.m., work normally until about 5 p.m. and then go to the gym. Hobbies are sports, personality development and I continue to educate myself in all areas of life. I started in sports with martial arts and then later found my love for iron, which I now live out to the full as an amateur bodybuilder and trainer.

How did you come across the Before'n'After program?

I became aware of Wolfgang through Erich Beihl. He applies many principles to his athletes. When I attended Wolfgang's first training seminars, I wanted to deepen my knowledge. The best way to do this is through practice, which is why I did the Before and After program.

Which sport did you do before the Before'n'After program?

I had done bodybuilding for years before that, but through Wolfgang's program I got to know new principles that have helped me a lot.

What motivated you to start and follow the program?

I was motivated by the fact that I wanted to know more about Wolfgang's work and wanted to put the whole thing into practice. Following the program was easy. My strength values ​​went up, my energy level improved... all things that motivated me more and more step by step.

How did your sleep develop during the program?

My sleep has improved a lot. I go to bed earlier, sleep deeper and wake up more refreshed in the morning.

How did your energy level develop during the program?

My energy level has increased significantly. I'm fresher during the day, "lunchtime" is a thing of the past.

What was the biggest change for you?

The biggest change was the training. From a big split, as is common in bodybuilding, to a 2-3 split with more compound movements and significantly less volume in the workouts.

What's your favorite breakfast?

My favorite breakfast are hamburger patties with mushrooms. I could eat that every day

How often and for how long did you train?

I trained with irons an average of 5 times a week. Training duration of the strength training was about 60-75 minutes depending on which phase I was in and which body part I trained. Plus interval training.

your favorite exercise?

My absolute favorite exercise is deadlifts. But I also really enjoy squats.

Did you do endurance training to lose fat?

There was no endurance training. However, we gradually increased the interval training as the competition got closer to get the body fat percentage down to a very low level and to get even more out of the optics. In the end it was 6 sessions of 20 to 40 minutes per week. Interval shape and duration have varied from phase to phase.

What is the reaction of your environment to the change in the last few weeks/months?

The response is gigantic. I get a lot of compliments in the studio and around me. My upper body in particular has adapted much better to my legs.

And what happens now?

Of course I will continue to work with Wolfgang, learn more and improve and increase my physical level step by step. Furthermore, I would like to invest more in my coaching work and help more people to achieve their physical goals.

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