Franz Tüchler approached the Your Personal Strength Institute - Stuttgart a year ago because he wanted to take his training, nutrition and physical performance to the next level. At the age of 41, with a small daughter and his job as a pilot, where he is on the road 2 weeks a month, he stepped on the gas.
Squats with 150kg and pull-ups with 35kg additional weight are noticeable (also visually)....
Result: He reduced his body fat percentage from 11.1% to 6.7% and gained 11.2 kg of lean mass, doing squats with 150 kg and pull-ups with 35 kg of extra weight.
(Body weight from 84.8kg to 92.8kg)
Result: He reduced his body fat percentage from 11.1% to 6.7% and gained 11.2 kg of lean mass, doing squats with 150 kg and pull-ups with 35 kg of extra weight.
(Body weight from 84.8kg to 92.8kg)
+20.3kg lean mass in 22 months....
Franz (42) came to the YPSI almost 2 years ago with the goal: >100kg <10%. This week he cracked the 100kg mark....
March 2013
KG 84.8kg - MM 75.4kg - KF 11.1%
January 2015
KG 100.3kg - MM 95.7kg - CF 4.6%
If you want to see all his pictures, click Through this album
Franz (42) came to the YPSI almost 2 years ago with the goal: >100kg <10%. This week he cracked the 100kg mark....
March 2013
KG 84.8kg - MM 75.4kg - KF 11.1%
January 2015
KG 100.3kg - MM 95.7kg - CF 4.6%
If you want to see all his pictures, click Through this album