Christmas is around the corner. And like every year, at YPSI, around this time, our customers ask us what they can eat over the Christmas holidays. In principle, every customer gets at least one free meal per week - regardless of their current body fat percentage. However, one meal is certainly not enough over Christmas. Nor does she have to. What then is the solution to enjoy Christmas Eve and the following holidays and still continue to make progress?
Here are three tips on how you can find the best balance between enjoyment and progress during this time:
1. Gluttony or not? In the back of most people's minds, Christmas is gluttony. How many meals does Christmas include? It's only five. Dinner on December 24th. As well as lunch and dinner on December 25th and 26th. Five meals. Not 20. And statistically, only 3 of those meals are unscheduled for most. Off-plan means a combination of lots of carbs and fats plus some protein. In total, you eat over 1000 meals a year. Does three meals make a difference? No. Enjoy it. And then the motto is "Back to Business".
2. The breakfast stays! From a Christmas point of view, breakfast is certainly the least important meal. A good start to the day is important for having energy and burning body fat. And to stabilize blood sugar and thus maintain well-being during the day. It is therefore important that the breakfast options remain as specified. Which breakfast I generally recommend can be found in this article – Eat animal for breakfast .
3. Take advantage of the holidays and the days after to vacation the squats . After the holiday season, glycogen stores are full and the week after Christmas is the quietest week of the year for most. More time is more time to use. What fits better than the squat vacation? With full glycogen stores, a rested nervous system, and more time on your hands, 18 sessions of squats in 6 days is excellent for boosting your workout, improving squat performance & technique, and adding a new twist to your workout. The Carpe Diem version of Christmas meets squats.
Exceptions are not only important from a psychological point of view and confirm the rule if they remain exceptions. As long as you don't overdo it, avoid alcohol to some extent and use the extra free time during the holidays to optimally increase your training frequency and recover, you can start the new year stronger and with more energy.
Happy Holidays, Happy Holiday Squats, and Happy Holidays Staying in Shape!
More tips for Christmas here -> Eating and training at Christmas - Here's how...