
3 Dinge, die Du über den Bizeps noch nicht weißt

3 things you don't know about the biceps

The biceps is the muscle most people probably know the name of. When someone wants to show their strength through a gesture, the majority of the time they will raise...

3 things you don't know about the biceps

The biceps is the muscle most people probably know the name of. When someone wants to show their strength through a gesture, the majority of the time they will raise...

Kreuzheben vs. Kniebeugen – 3 Unterschiede

Deadlift vs. Squat – 3 Differences

I hear and read the statement that squats and deadlifts are the same thing from time to time. She is nonsense. Still, this claim comes up every now and then....

Deadlift vs. Squat – 3 Differences

I hear and read the statement that squats and deadlifts are the same thing from time to time. She is nonsense. Still, this claim comes up every now and then....

Der Klokov Squat

The Klokov Squat

Originally published in Functional Training Magazine The Klokov Squat is a variation of the squat named after Dmitry Klokov, a Russian weightlifter, 2005 World Champion and 2008 Olympic Vice Champion...

The Klokov Squat

Originally published in Functional Training Magazine The Klokov Squat is a variation of the squat named after Dmitry Klokov, a Russian weightlifter, 2005 World Champion and 2008 Olympic Vice Champion...

Geplantes Übertraining.

Planned overtraining.

Overtraining is a term used to describe a condition that recreational athletes very rarely, and athletes occasionally get into when they train too often and don't put enough emphasis on...

Planned overtraining.

Overtraining is a term used to describe a condition that recreational athletes very rarely, and athletes occasionally get into when they train too often and don't put enough emphasis on...

Längere Pausen für mehr Kraft & Muskeln

Longer breaks for more strength & muscles

A parameter that is often given too little attention when executing and planning a training program is the pause time. Wrongly, because the length of the break has a very...

Longer breaks for more strength & muscles

A parameter that is often given too little attention when executing and planning a training program is the pause time. Wrongly, because the length of the break has a very...

Krafttraining liegt im Fussball noch 40 Jahre zurück…

Strength training is still 40 years ago in foot...

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and is the German national sport. Soccer is a team sport on a large field, many players and less physical contact....

Strength training is still 40 years ago in foot...

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and is the German national sport. Soccer is a team sport on a large field, many players and less physical contact....