
YPSI Reisen – Zeit für mehr Muskeln

YPSI trips - time for more muscles

Guest post by Michael Rainer A good two weeks ago it was time again: a YPSI vacation was coming up. After I followed the recommendation of Gainz tourism expert Wolfgang...

YPSI trips - time for more muscles

Guest post by Michael Rainer A good two weeks ago it was time again: a YPSI vacation was coming up. After I followed the recommendation of Gainz tourism expert Wolfgang...

Die 3 wichtigsten Klimmzug Varianten und ihre Vorteile

The 3 most important pull-up variants and their...

Pull-ups in all variations are one of the best and most important exercises of all sports and training focuses. Being able to pull your own body weight – and additional...

The 3 most important pull-up variants and their...

Pull-ups in all variations are one of the best and most important exercises of all sports and training focuses. Being able to pull your own body weight – and additional...

5 Bizepsübungen, die du noch nie gemacht hast

5 bicep exercises you've never done before

Next to the chest, the biceps is the most trained muscle in the world. Especially among bodybuilders it is clear: the bigger the biceps , the better. However, besides the...

5 bicep exercises you've never done before

Next to the chest, the biceps is the most trained muscle in the world. Especially among bodybuilders it is clear: the bigger the biceps , the better. However, besides the...

3 Assistenzübungen für eine bessere Kreuzheben-Technik

3 Assistance Exercises for Better Deadlift Tech...

The floor deadlift is an advanced exercise that we don't use until later in the exercise progression in YPSI. Why? The technique is much more difficult to learn than with...

3 Assistance Exercises for Better Deadlift Tech...

The floor deadlift is an advanced exercise that we don't use until later in the exercise progression in YPSI. Why? The technique is much more difficult to learn than with...

3 einfache Tricks für mehr Muskelaufbau

3 simple tricks to build more muscle

Muscle building is the number one goal for most male trainers when they start strength training. The effect of strength training, which is often sold to women as "tightening", is...

3 simple tricks to build more muscle

Muscle building is the number one goal for most male trainers when they start strength training. The effect of strength training, which is often sold to women as "tightening", is...

3 Tipps für eine bessere Kniebeuge

3 tips for a better squat

The barbell squat is one of the most effective exercises for recruiting lots of muscle fiber, improving mobility, and building strength throughout the body. Provided it is done correctly. These...

3 tips for a better squat

The barbell squat is one of the most effective exercises for recruiting lots of muscle fiber, improving mobility, and building strength throughout the body. Provided it is done correctly. These...