YPSI RFID Shield Card
YPSI RFID Shield Card
For more security and less stress in everyday life.
With the YPSI RFID Shield Card , you can easily and effectively protect all your cards with RFID / NFC technology (13.56 MHz) such as debit and credit cards, driving licence, passport and identity card from unwanted third-party access .
Place the YPSI RFID Shield Card in a wallet or your card clip and all cards within a 2.5cm radius are safe from electronic theft.
In contrast to many other blocking cards, the YPSI RFID Shield Card has a high-quality E-Shield module that actively prevents the data from being read out by an interference signal.
Above all, this successfully prevents theft of personal data and unauthorized debits from the credit card.
Why protect debit cards and ID cards?
It is easy for hackers to use the new NFC (near field communication) function in credit and debit cards (giro cards) to access account data and sensitive information via radio. Small amounts of money under 25 EUR can be debited directly in passing with a mobile reader. Or later credit card information is misused, especially for online shopping. Private information read from ID cards offers even greater potential for misuse .
This electronic theft of data is a big trend in recent years . And thus a possible massive stressor in everyday life. However, it can be managed relatively easily.
This is how our YPSI RFID Shield Card works
The YPSI RFID Shield Card is a so-called RFID / NFC blocker and can effectively protect your money cards and ID cards from hacker attacks. Due to its special structure, the YPSI RFID Shield Card absorbs the energy of the electromagnetic field that is emitted by RFID readers. This means that no current can be induced in your RFID or NFC card and communication is effectively prevented. The whole thing works without electronics and therefore also without batteries and electrosmog.
More details of YPSI RFID Shield Card:
Scope of delivery: 1 YPSI RFID Shield Card .
Current delivery time: 2-5 working days
Für unsere Umwelt
Für unsere Umwelt
Alle unsere Produkte werden in recycelbarem Braunglas oder einer recycelbaren Dose mit recycelbarem Etikett verpackt und mit nachhaltiger Versandverpackung sowie Klebeband aus 100% Papier und Naturkautschuk-Kleber klimaneutral durch DHL GoGreen versendet.
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Auf Doping geprüft
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Mehr zur YPSI Anti-Doping Policy und den einzelnen Prüfberichten hier.
Dieses Produkt ist ein geprüftes Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und durchlief eine externe juristische Prüfung durch ein ernährungsfachliches Gremium.
Dieses Produkt wird ausschliesslich aus pflanzlichen Rohstoffen hergestellt.
Im YPSI entwickelt
Im YPSI entwickelt
Alle unsere Produkte werden direkt im YPSI von Wolfgang Unsöld und einem Team von Experten entwickelt.
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