The second edition of the „Improve your…“ Series of YPSI Handbooks is finally available:
What is the YPSI Handbook?
This time the YPSI Handbook covers a major bodypart from two perspectives – the theoretical and practical. It includes detailed info on the Functional Anatomy of the Muscles involved – in this case the four Elbow Flexors and two Elbow Extensors – the different variations of the exercise and as the center of the YPSI Handbook a 6 Phase Program including pictures and video, with plenty of supplemental info around it. Which will get you the most out of the program. As well as some clinical pearls such as Challenge Sets, the Arm Holiday and a primer on forearm training.
Always with one goal in mind – to „Improve your Arms“
Since bigger arms are one of the main goals of every male who goes to the gym gaining arm size has received more attention by the training media than any other muscle group. Still, many fail to increase to the size of their arms. The question is why? As with all methods, some work, some don’t, most methods always only in specific scenarios – and then of course some few trainees can just do whatever they what and make gains.
If you are not one of them, you need a structured and progressive plan.
Since growing bigger arms is one of the main quests of strengthtraining and specifically bodybuilding it just makes sense to dedicate a book to this topic. Despite the many articles and books written on Arm Training most lack a structured and practical approach that trainees can actucally use and progress with. To get results. Especially an approach that considers functional anatomy of the elbowflexors/-extensors and that provides a structured and periodized program that enables the trainee to make consistant progress in the gym. Which is the base of more success in the gym. And in this case – to „Improve your Arms“
The task of this YPSI Handbook is to give different perspectives on different techniques and variations of Arm Training as well as their use and application. And to clear up various myths that stand in most trainee’s way to get bigger and stronger arms faster.
The table of contents is
Chapter 1 – Preface
Chapter 2 – The Functional Anatomy of the Elbow Flexors
Chapter 3 – The Functional Anatomy of the Elbow Extensors
Chapter 4 – The Challenge Set
Chapter 5 – The Warmup
Chapter 6 – The Tempo
Chapter 7 – The Spread
Chapter 8 – Microperiodization
Chapter 9 – The Programs
Chapter 10 – A Primer on Forearm Training
Chapter 11 – The Arm Holiday
Chapter 12 – Frequently Asked Questions
This Handbook contains 12 chapters on Arm Training built around a 6 Phase Program with Photos and Videos of all the exercises.
The goal of this book:
was to write a practical book on Arm Training to provide in-depth information on the functional anatomy of the upper arm followed by a detailed 6 Phase Program that progresses you through different variations of different Arm Exercises that we use at the YPSI to get continuous growth in strength and mass for maximal arm development. Or as you say in german, to get „Massive Arme“.
About the Cover:
Daniel Harder became a client in the summer of 2015 after attending one of my seminars. He was a national-level competitor with the IFBB and planned to make the move to become a Pro Muscle Model with the prime organization in this category, the WBFF. He consulted me with the main goal of bringing up is main weakness – his arm size and shape. Which is obviously crucial to the success of any physique competitor. After an intial assessment and workout I wrote his first block of workouts based on the exact same principles as used in this book. Which brought up his arm size dramatically as you can see on the cover of this book. His arms are definetly no weakness anymore. And he also won the WBFF Pro Card in the first season he entered. A feat that few were able to do.
To order the „Improve your Arms“ Ebook click here
All the Best to „Improve your Arms“ in theory and practice!
Picture: The cover of the „Improve your Arms“ Ebook visualized.