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20 tricks for more before'n'after successes (6 months access)

20 tricks for more before'n'after successes (6 months access)

Regular price €99.00 EUR
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The YPSI Online Seminar - "20 Tricks for more Before'n'After Success"

Use the time and educate yourself...

Since 2012, Wolfgang Unsöld has given his lecture on "20 tricks for more Before'n'After success" in over 20 countries on 5 continents worldwide. And the presentation is updated every year.

This lecture is now available as an online seminar for the first time

Sign up and use the following advantages:

- 20 tricks for more before'n'after success - from the areas of strength training, nutrition, supplementation, sleep and lifestyle.

- Use directly yourself or with clients - all contents are for trainers and trainees, they can be used directly on yourself or with clients

- Efficient, practical optimizations for even faster muscle building and fat reduction - which we constantly use in practice in the YPSI and are the basis of our Before'n'After successes - for which we have become known worldwide.

- Watch and watch again - With the booking you get access to the recordings of this online seminar for 6 months right here on the YPSI Online Education Platform

More information about this YPSI Online Seminar right here on the YPSI Online Education Platform.

After successful booking and payment, access will be sent via email within 2 working days. If you would like access even faster, send us an email to

6 months after the first access to the lectures, this expires automatically.

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Alle unsere Produkte werden direkt im YPSI von Wolfgang Unsöld und einem Team von Experten entwickelt.

Für die innovativsten Formulierung auf dem Markt.

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"Doing today what others copy tomorrow."

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